Scouting wouldn’t be possible without our volunteer leadership—parents play a large role in the success of our programs.

Parent volunteers and other adult role models help provide an ideal learning experience for all Scouts. On a typical weekend campout, Scouts might work with a volunteer who teaches the Fishing merit badge, spend time with a Scout mom to learn orienteering, go on a 5-mile hike with another adult leader, and end the day learning how to clean and cook fish with someone else.

Scouting wouldn’t be possible without our volunteer leadership—parents play a large role in the success of our programs.

Parent volunteers and other adult role models help provide an ideal learning experience for all Scouts. On a typical weekend campout, Scouts might work with a volunteer who teaches the Fishing merit badge, spend time with a Scout mom to learn orienteering, go on a 5-mile hike with another adult leader, and end the day learning how to clean and cook fish with someone else.

How can parents help Minsi Trails