Minsi Trails Cub Scouting

Cub Scouts (Boys & Girls Grades K-5)

Minsi Trails Cub Scouting

Cub Scouts (Boys & Girls Grades K-5)

Cub Scouting Helping Others

Camp Minsi Cub Scout Summer Camps are some of the largest and most exciting Cub Scout camps in the Northeast! Camp Minsi is open to all Cub Scouts and includes specialized programs for each Cub Scout rank.

We also offer local day camps throughout the summer!

Camp Minsi Cub Scout Summer Camps are some of the largest and most exciting Cub Scout camps in the Northeast! Camp Minsi is open to all Cub Scouts and includes specialized programs for each Cub Scout rank.

We also offer local day camps throughout the summer!

Click here to find the Minsi Trails Cub Scout Pack closest to your home. You are welcome to join any Minsi Trails Pack if a different Pack makes more sense from a logistical standpoint, or if your child wishes to join a Pack that already includes a friend or relative.

Minsi Trails Council includes Cub Scout Packs in Lehigh, Northampton, Monroe, Carbon, and Luzerne Counties in Pennsylvania and Warren County in New Jersey.

The annual fee for Cub Scouts is $85, which is much less than the cost of most sports programs and many other youth activities. There may be additional local program fees and/or dues.

Cub Scouts focuses on interactive activities designed to be fun for children while teaching them about perseverance and helping them develop problem-solving skills. In Cub Scouts, there are also many opportunities for you to spend time as a family.
Typical Cub Scout activities include Den and Pack meetings with games and group activities, camping and outdoor adventures, community service projects, special events, banquets, and other group events.

Yes! Scouting is made possible through volunteer leadership, so parents play a large role in the success of our programs. Parents and other volunteers help coordinate and run Den and Pack meetings, and take part in community service projects, special events, and Scout trips.